
 Several years ago, I felt that if I could share one area of truth with others, it would be the ability to communicate with those in the spirit world. I do realize that this is my truth and not everyone feels this like I do. 

To those who do resonate with this belief, the spirit world is all around us. Those who make their transition from physical back to energy being are merely in a different vibrational realm than us here in the physical realm.

We here in this realm are taught to use our outer senses, or physical senses. Unfortunately, we are not taught, or rather reminded, to use our inner senses.

Inner senses being our intuition, and other psychic gifts. 
What gets me the most, is when someone’s loved one makes their transition back to the spirit world - and the grief and sorrow they experience. 

Being an empath, and literally feeling and experiencing their emotions and feelings, I just wish I could touch them and they would see and feel what I do. Meaning that connection that is still there with their loved one. 

And if they were able to let that wall down, even for a moment, to allow that connection from one realm to the other to flow through; then they would realize the truth. 

Your loved ones never leave. They are just in a different form. All it takes is faith and the desire to relearn how to tap into your own abilities to continue that connection. 💕